BEG Group LLC is a manufacturer of biobased content as medium aimed at protecting the environment.

Success Reports  

* Preventing total recordable frequency incident rates (TRIFR), are key to a successful project. One back injury can minimize profit potential. Use of BEG Group's Switch Family of Erosion-Filtration Medium as biobased content may assist in protecting your labor force much more than other erosion control products.

The total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR), or total recordable injury rate, is the number of fatalities, lost time injuries, substitute work, and other injuries requiring treatment by a medical professional per million hours worked.

Pictured above:
The picture to the left shows 5 laborers required to carry a length of 24” wood mulch sock. 24” Wood mulch sock weighs 133 lbs./ft. on average.

The picture to the right shows one laborer carrying a length of The Big Switch® Erosion-Filtration Medium. Concerning The Big Switch®/Phalanx Bio Switch® Erosion-Filtration Medium - 12” weighs 3.84 lbs./ft, 18” weighs 8.33 lbs./ft and 24” weighs 12.5 lbs./ft. on average. Note: The Big Switch®/Phalanx Bio Switch® Erosion-Filtration Medium will suck itself to the ground in short order while keeping its compaction-density ratio in the process.

ODOT Habitat Pollinator Initiative

Phalanx Bio Switch® Erosion/Filtration Medium, manufactured by BEG Group, LLC., is a nationally certified USDA biobased/biopreferred product that has been engineered specifically for controlling erosion and containing and/or retaining sediment in disturbed areas. It is a 100% biodegradable tube filled with switchgrass material that is placed perpendicular to sheet-flow runoff.

Field Testing:

September 2017 a site for placement of Phalanx Bio Switch® Erosion/Filtration Medium with milkweed seed supercharged within the filler mix as a trial was identified in an area which needed erosion prevention after some construction work. Phalanx Bio Switch® Erosion/Filtration Medium was placed by Ohio Department of Transportation crew members. Expectations were that milkweed would grow out of the vegetated Phalanx Bio Switch® Erosion/Filtration Medium.

On 8/23/18, a follow up survey found a number of Asclepias Syriaca growing from within and below the Phalanx Bio Switch®  Erosion/Filtration Medium. Some milkweed individuals produced seed pods. The project was determined to be a success in terms of its ability to promote milkweed growth in newly disturbed areas while preventing erosion.

* In December of 2018 BEG Group President Joe Greco was appointed to Trout Unlimited's National Leadership Council-Great Lakes Working Group.

Being BEG Group products are specifically engineered to support wetlands, rivers and streams, it will be a pleasure networking with those involved in like minded efforts. Joe Greco/President of BEG Group LLC.

Today TU is a national organization with about 300,000 members and supporters organized into over 400 chapters and councils. These conservation professionals ensure that TU is at the forefront of fisheries restoration work at the local, state and national levels.

The Great Lakes National Leadership Council focuses on various Great Lakes issues, including aquatic invasive species, coaster brook trout, water quality and quantity issues.